Harvest Hobgoblin Grapes are Back!

Dulcich Farms in Delano, CA is famous for their excellent quality Pretty Lady brand. During early fall they also offer their Harvest Hobgoblin Grape brand in graphic boxes and graphic pouch bags.
Stores that have promoted this line in October have done quite well, even at higher price points since the packaging draws attention to the displays and the quality of the xlg to jumbo grapes inside is so superior.
Red, Green, and Black Seedless Hobgoblin Grapes are in stock right now! Contact your sales rep or merchandiser for more information.
10877 Grapes Xlg Red Seedless Hobgoblin Pouches 18 lb.
10878 Grapes Xlg White Seedless Hobgoblin Pouches 18 lb.
10879 Grapes Xlg Black Seedless Hobgoblin Pouches 18 lb.
06425 Display Pop-up Bin Hobgoblin 1 EA – available by request