Delight Your Customers with Pretty Lady Grapes

How frequently do your shoppers buy grapes during the summer? Do they only buy them on ad when you’re making little to no margin? How do you consistently drive sales with the California Grape category July through October?Grapes with a crisp texture, sweet taste, delicious flavor and large size don’t last long in the kitchens of your shoppers – they get gobbled up! Impressive grapes are memorable. Memorable grapes drive repeat sales, even at regular price. Here at Four Seasons Produce we believe Pretty Lady brand Grapes grown by Dulcich Farms/Sunlight International are some of the best grapes in the world. Many of the retailers we work with tell us that once their shoppers try Pretty Lady Grapes they come back and ask for them by name!
What sets Pretty Lady Grapes apart? Their quality, flavor, size and texture is consistently top notch, and the packaging and branding enhances the experience. The Dulcich family, with vineyards in the Delano and McFarland, CA area, takes pride in bringing exclusive grape varieties to the marketplace that wow customers with big berries and big flavor. They use meticulous growing and harvesting practices to coax the best quality out of their fruit. Dulcich’s varieties and quality also allow them to ship great tasting California Grapes late into the year, as late as December. Learn more about their grape varieties here.
Pretty Lady Grapes are here! The 2015 season is starting off in July with Lucky Red and Red Flame Seedless, Early Sweet and Esteem Green Seedless, and Unknown-Variety Black Seedless. During the summer months the fruit will be sold in 18lb Pretty Lady boxes with “Summer Lady” pouch bags that work perfectly as colanders. In late August and September some of the most outstanding varieties begin. “Harvest Hobgoblin” branded programs are available for the fall and “Christmas Lady” between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Do Pretty Lady Grapes cost more? Yes, the best quality usually does. But if driving repeat business and inventory velocity even off ad on California Grapes in your department is your goal, then talk to us about participating in a Pretty Lady Premium California Table Grape program for the rest of 2015. Point of Sale material and display bins are available by pre-order.